About company
The total area of the Daewoo Bus Kazakhstan car assembly plant is 17,205 sq. m, including 10 368 sq. m is occupied by an assembly plant, equipped with modern equipment made in South Korea that meets international standards.
Assembly production of Daewoo Bus Kazakhstan includes sections: assembly-welding of body elements, assembly-welding of a body, painting booths, bus assemblies, the final line of testing finished products for tightness and compliance with standards. In addition, the factory complex includes: a warehouse for components, a warehouse for finished products, as well as an administrative and amenity complex.
Qualified specialists and workers from Semey are actively involved in the enterprise. This is due to the presence in the city of an appropriate personnel base prepared by the enterprises of the defense complex, as well as the presence of technical educational institutions. The system of higher professional education is represented by three state, two private higher educational institutions.

The training of specialists with secondary technical education is carried out by 14 state and 14 private independent colleges.
- in increasing employment and real money incomes of the population;
- in improving the housing and cultural and living conditions of the population;
- does not violate the ecological state of the environment in creating a new type of production;
- in the restoration, reconstruction of the former Armature Plant, as well as the improvement of the adjacent territories, gives and improves the architectural appearance of the city;
- reduction of population migration to other cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Specialists and workers of the plant completed a two-month internship at the headquarters of DaewooBus in South Korea.
The implementation of this project creates additional conditions for the organization of new industries and will contribute to the diversification of the city's economy, the creation of new jobs, and also contributes to the development of mechanical engineering in Kazakhstan.
The social effect associated with the implementation of the investment project, expressed:
Semey is the largest in terms of territory and population, as well as an industrially developed city in the East Kazakhstan region.